The Tobacco Conspiracy
A history of the tobacco industry’s lies and scams.
From the US in 1953 to Africa today, the controversy between individual
responsibility and corporate greed is portrayed in a lucid, undaunted
From scientific frauds to working with
organized crime, tobacco companies show their hidden agenda more clearly
than ever in this theatrically released documentary.
than three years of investigating all over the world has allowed Nadia
Collot to decipher the attitudes of an industry that, in spite of many
prevention campaigns still expands its power at the cost of public
health. Three aspects of industry behavior are studied:
Scientific subversion: proof of the manipulation of scientific evidence
and buying out of scientists to maintain controversy over the health
issues related to smoking, but even more so today, related to
environmental tobacco smoke.
2. Ideological
subversion: whether it be through clever and disguised product
placements on screen or TV, creating its own biased health messages,
implementing subtle and ingenious marketing tactics or using political
lobbying manoeuvres, the tobacco industry has gone to unbelievable
extents to do what it says it never will.
Economic strategies: to develop as fast as possible, to infiltrate
closed-market countries, to better reach the young and the poor,
smuggling is one of the ways the industry has chosen to organize its
international growth.
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