jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Freedom Fuels
Freedom Fuels, takes an in-depth look at renewable fuel sources, such as bio-diesel, ethanol and vegetable oil.
It explores the interaction of the petroleum industry and alternative fuels over the last 150 years, and examines the global impact that bio-fuels can have on our future.
Most of the new film is a series of interviews with farmers and biofuels innovators, economic and energy security experts, engaged government policymakers, and the occasional false prophets of inertia (Searchinger and Pimental).
It treats its audience to an unblemished look at where we are and why public support now is so important to the well-being of future generations… ending the addiction will take time, but during the Q&A session after the screening it was clear that a dread, helpless feeling was being lifted from the audience.
There are alternatives and action we can take today to secure a sustainable future for our children. We shouldn’t elect policymakers that limit our consumer votes at the pump.

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