sábado, 4 de enero de 2014

Shadows of Liberty
Shadows of Liberty reveals the extraordinary truth behind the news media: censorship, cover-ups and corporate control. Filmmaker Jean-Philippe Tremblay takes a journey through the darker corridors of the US media, where global conglomerates call the shots. For decades, their overwhelming influence has distorted news journalism and compromised its values.

In highly revealing stories, renowned journalists, activists and academics give insider accounts of a broken media system. Controversial news reports are suppressed, people are censored for speaking out, and lives are shattered as the arena for public expression is turned into a private profit zone.

Tracing the story of media manipulation through the years, Shadows of Liberty poses a crucial question: why have we let a handful of powerful corporations write the news? We're left in no doubt - media reform is urgent and freedom of the press is fundamental. 

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Four Horsemen
Over the centuries systems have been subtly modified, manipulated and even corrupted often to serve the interests of the few. We've continually accepted these changes and because man can adjust to living under virtually any conditions, the trait that's enabled us to survive is the very trait that's suppressed us. For centuries gatekeepers have manipulated our cognitive map. But in 1989 a computer scientist by the name of Tim Berners-Lee implemented the first successful communication between an HTTP client and server.
The World Wide Web was born. It is since unleashed a tsunami of instantly accessible, freely available information. Just as Gutenberg's printing press wrestled control of the cognitive map away from ecclesiastical and royal elite, today the Internet is beginning to change Governments, finance and the media. We are on the brink of change, but to enact it we must first understand the things that have been left unsaid for so long. To do that we need context from people who speak the truth in the face of collective delusion, because to understand something is to be liberated from it.
Empires do not begin or end on a certain date, but they do end and the West has not yet come to terms with its fading supremacy. At the end of every empire under the guise of renewal, tribes, armies and organizations appear and devour the heritage of the former superpower often from within. In his essay, The Fate of Empires, the soldier, diplomat and traveler, Lieutenant-General Sir John John Glubb analyzed the lifecycle of empires. He found remarkable similarities between them all. An empire lasts about 250 years, or 10 generations, from the early pioneers to the final conspicuous consumers who become a burden on the state.
Six ages define the lifespan of an empire: the age of pioneers, the age of conquests, the age of commerce, the age of affluence, the age of intellect, ending with bread and circuses in the age of decadence. There are common features to every age of decadence: an undisciplined and over extended military, the conspicuous display of wealth, a massive disparity between rich and poor, a desire to live off a bloated state, and an obsession with sex. But perhaps the most notorious trait of all is the debasement of the currency. The United States and Great Britain both begun on a gold or silver standard, long since abandoned. Rome was no different.
Great empire wealth always dazzles, but beneath the surface the unbridle desire for money, power and material possessions means that duty and public service are replaced by leaders and citizens who scramble for the spoils.

The modern day Four Horsemen continue to ride roughshod over the people who can least afford it. Crises are converging when governments, religion and mainstream economists have stalled. 23 international thinkers come together and break their silence about how the world really works and why there is still hope in re-establishing a moral and just society. Four Horsemen is free from mainstream media propaganda, doesn't bash bankers, criticize politicians or get involved in conspiracy theories. The film ignites the debate about how we usher a new economic paradigm into the world which, globally, would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions.
- Written by Anonymous

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viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Whitewashed: Unmasking the World of WhitenessWhitewashed: Unmasking the World of Whiteness Using amateur footage collected over the course of several years, the video records the voices of white people reflecting on race, racism, and white identity. For over a decade Mark has been talking to white people about racism and what it is like to be a "white" person. Drawing from those that would speak with him, this documentary shares some of what they had to say.Here are some of the testimonies: "I don't have any trouble admitting that I'm a racist. I think it's absurd to try to fight with that. I grew up in this society, I was conditioned by it, I think internally in my psyche I have grounded and rooted those attitudes and I see them all the time."

"I don't like being a white man and that's what I am, because I know what I've done, what people like me have done. Part of being white is just not in any way acknowledging what it means to be white. I have a white skin and with that white skin comes along a whole mass of privileges that I have and I don't ask for them, they're just there."
How did the ancestors get turned into "white" people? "You can only be something if there's something else to negate so I guess we became white because there are bunch of other races to set us off. The reason was the assimilation in the United States when lot of European ethnics came over and assimilated for a variety of reasons, primary being to elevate their socioeconomic status."
"So to get jobs, to find places to live, lot of the Europeans altered their last names to sound more mainstream, a lot of them changed the clothing that they wore, foods they ate, so they were conforming to the dominant white culture."
"The reality is that those persons who are white and who are considered white and treated as such in the society by virtue of being white, they had to give up who they really were. All these European ethnics who are not white anglo-saxon protestants had to give up their actual identities for the sake of whiteness.

Vea el documental en ingles


jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Buy Buy Europe
The Eurozone was built at the high point of the neo-liberalism and the people who built it actually believed in their effort. They believed that if we had liberalized banks they would send money to where it is most needed and they believed that if you left it to the market there would be investments and growth. They assumed that in a globalized capitalism there would be no more crises and it's very dangerous when people believe that rhetoric and it's even more dangerous when they act upon those beliefs.
New prosperity for everybody - that was the promise of the Euro. But while the value of the Euro rose steadily in the first years, in the south of Europe the pressure was building. The credit crunch, the debt crisis followed by the big recession exposed everything. The European Union is an union of competition and inequality. This story begins with the fall of the first domino - the moment when the financial bubble burst.
If we want to understand why major reforming of the banking sector isn't happening we need to go to Brussels, the lobby capitol of Europe. There are 4500 accredited lobbyists and they have free access to the parliament at any time. There are six times as many lobbyists as there are members of parliament. In fact lobbyists have privileged access to the policymakers.
In 2012 the International Monetary Fund (IMF) reported that the financial sector was as unstable as it was before the start of the crisis. Lobbyists did their utmost best to stop all true reform, and the political world made it possible for them to do so. In the aftermath of the financial crisis a group of experts was put together to advise the European Commission on the needed reform.
Out of 42 members of that advisory group, 34 were selected from the financial sector. After much protest the composition of this expert group was broadened, but this example proves how far the influence of the lobbyists reaches. The way that the banks have been saved clearly shows that this has nothing to do with the economic theory.

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

Unwasted: The Future of Business on Earth
Businesses around the globe produce nearly as much waste as they do product -- almost 110 million tons annually in the US alone. Washington State spent more than 500 million dollars on waste disposal, recycling, and composting in 2009. But what is the real cost to business and the community? 

Filmed between Spring and Summer of 2011, "Unwasted" is a look at businesses and organizations in and around the Puget Sound who are leading the way toward a less wasteful, more profitable and environmentally sustainable society.

Sage Environmental Services is pleased to bring this project to you. For information on screening, obtaining a copy or learning more about the project & the team behind it, visit: www.sagebug.com

Vea el documental en ingles

Plasticized is an intimate account of a first-hand journey aboard the Sea Dragon with the 5 Gyres Institute on the very first scientific expedition, focused on plastic waste, through the center of the South Atlantic Ocean.
An eye-opening story about the institute's global mission to study the effects, reality, and scale of plastic pollution around the world.
Despite rumors of massive garbage islands, an immeasurable amount of plastic pollution of all sizes is floating throughout every major ocean in the world.
With the numerous ghost nets of trash or larger windrows of rubbish dominating the the occasional headlines, tiny bits of plastic particulate from frail chunks is the overwhelming contaminant that is secretly infiltrating all levels of sea life like a cancer.

Vea el documental subtitulado 

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

The Unending War
This documentary recounts the story of the veterans who withdrew from the US army after realizing the truth to the made-up excuses of the US for Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
The US invasions and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan after the September 11th incidents, under the name of war against terrorism, were the most costly wars in the history of the US which took a heavy tool of human lives and properties for the US, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
Ten years ago, the Bush administration managed to convince the American public that invading Iraq was the only way to prevent another terrorist attack similar to 9/11.
Finding and destroying weapons of mass destruction and toppling Saddam Hussein’s regime were held up as legitimate reasons for the invasion.
President Bush and his advisers even naively believed that after Iraq had been 'liberated', it could become a shining example of democracy to inspire other Arab nations.