Documentales politicos- economicos (45)

 Zeitgeist The Movie

        El documental está estructurado en tres partes. La primera es una exposición del cristianismo como un mito, un híbrido astrológico-literario. Este mito, argumenta Joseph, constituye el terreno abonado sobre el que pueden funcionar nuevos mitos en los que las masas crean ciegamente y así ser manejados con mayor facilidad. La segunda parte, analizando los atentados del 11-S, expone el funcionamiento de la propaganda y adoctrinación mediática, logrando que los propios ciudadanos acepten ser más controlados por sus gobiernos pese a que eso suponga una reduccion de sus libertades. La tercera sección habla sobre la política y economía global, enfocándose en el monopolio del dinero (junto a la especulación financiera) y el gasto militar.


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Zeitgeist Addendum

Parte I: Expone la práctica bancaria de reserva fraccionada y la creación de dinero a través de créditos. El film sostiene que los billetes de dólar (usando el ejemplo estadounidense de banca central) son impresos libremente y que se incrementa el suministro de dinero cada vez que la Reserva Federal compra bonos del Tesoro. Este dinero termina en los bancos comerciales. Una vez que ese dinero se convierte en reserva en un banco, se lo "multiplica" a través del sistema de reserva fraccionada, y se lo presta a los clientes bancarios. El documental señala que tal sistema es más que "absurdo" porque el interés que debiera ser pagado por el dinero prestado no existe, jamás fue creado; y compara este sistema con el tradicional juego de la silla, durante el cual una persona siempre quedará afuera antes de que termine la música. Este tema también es explicado durante la primera película Zeitgeist.
Parte II: es una entrevista de estilo documental con John Perkins, durante la cual describe su propio rol como sicario económico para los Estados Unidos. De esta manera, señala haber ayudado a la CIA, así como a varias entidades corporativas y políticas, a desestabilizar o corromper gobiernos extranjeros que ponían los intereses de su pueblo por delante de las corporaciones multinacionales.
Parte III: describe al Proyecto Venus, una propuesta creada por Jacque Fresco. La película da a conocer este proyecto como ejemplo de sostenibilidad para la humanidad. La meta principal de esta idea es producir una economía basada en recursos naturales y artificiales, utilizando la tecnología actual moderna, para implementar una sociedad basada en este tipo de economía en lugar del actual modelo económico artificial basado en escasez y mantenido por la economía monetaria.
Parte IV: plantea que todo lo malo de este mundo es "resultado fundamentalmente de la ignorancia colectiva de dos de los entendimientos más básicos que los humanos pueden tener de la realidad: los aspectos emergente y simbiótico de la ley natural".
El documental sugiere entonces que se tomen acciones para una "transformación social", tales como los boicots anteriormente mencionados, en rechazo de estructuras políticas y en creación de una "masa crítica" de personas que así piensen.                                                                                                                

 Zeitgeist Moving Forward

El documental ha sido premiado con varios reconocimientos de carácter internacional; entre ellos el Artivist Film Festival 2007.Se le ha considerado «un ensamblaje de propaganda de agitación a ritmo rápido» y ha sido enmarcado entre películas de temática conspirativa aunque con una gran propuesta de por medio que no se deja opacar por las polémicas que ha despertado, especialmente en el ámbito religioso

Zeitgeist es un documental escrito, dirigido y producido por Peter Joseph en el año 2007, que tiene una amplia difusión por Internet, en la web del proyecto y mediante Google Video; aunque fue grabado originalmente en inglés, es posible descargarlo del sitio web oficial con subtítulos y doblajes en varios idiomas. Su secuela, Zeitgeist Addendum, concluye presentando el concepto de una sociedad basada en la tecnología y la abundancia de recursos, a partir de la influencia de ideas de Jaque Fresco y el Proyecto Venus.
Al no haberse distribuido por los canales convencionales, no existen datos fiables acerca de cuánta audiencia ha tenido, se afirma que los documentales Zeitgeist han sido vistos por cincuenta millones de personas en todo el mundo desde su publicación gratuita en Google Video en la primavera de 2007.

   Vea el trailer subtitulado en Youtube  

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Who is Peter Joseph?

In late 2009 I was able to interview Peter Joseph, the creator of "Zeitgeist, The Movie" and "Zeitgeist- Addendum"; Founder of The Zeitgeist Movement, in his home. He described himself
and his life in details in what is likely a rare interview (until then). He was kind enough to provide me with previously unreleased media and video and I in turn did my best to create a documentary
(albeit kinda poor in quality compared to his work!) that would help express who this person is. Originally, I was hoping to create a full length documentary exploring many other aspects of
his background, the movement and the like, but decided to keep it simple. The footage was shot in two, two hour sessions in December 2009. Peter was very kind to extend the interview
schedule over two days. (he is a busy bee to say the least!) I hope everyone appreciates this work and I thank Peter again for his time.

Note: I made this film as a public service. There is no reason to ask me for permission to do anything with this work. Anyone is free to download- copy- distribute- upload in most any fashion.

Just don't sell, of course. There are no DVD sales here so don't ask.
I will be adding more forms of download soon ( torrents/avis/movs, etc) as well.


Slavery by ConsentSlavery by Consent

Slavery by Consent succinctly outlines the deception used to enslave humanity by the global criminal class. It is a powerful statement documenting the crimes of the ruling classes.

This documentary highlights the nature and history of our enslavement, the absurdity of an all-powerful governing (controlling) class to a free human race and the philosophy of liberty which we all need to adopt if we are to ever be a free species on this planet living in balance with the natural world.

Slowly, the world awakens from the nightmare of debt slavery and illegitimate authority imposed on us which has violated the natural laws and our interaction with each other and all other species on this planet.

This series will attempt to uncover the key components that will hopefully empower each one of us, to regain control of our lives, freedoms, rights and dignity, just by using the same matrix that we’re currently living in to our advantage, rather than leaving it in the hands of those who are currently calling the shots.

Vea el documental en Youtube en ingles

Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis
In times of crisis people seek strong leaders and simple solutions. But what happens when their solutions are identical to the mistakes that caused the very crisis? 'Overdose' is the story of the greatest economic crisis of our age - the one that awaits us. The documentary traces the origins of the financial crisis and explores the eerie similarities with today's situation, where states like Greece, Iceland and even the U.S. seems to be in danger of collapsing. Among those interviewed are experts who were mocked when they predicted the current 
crisis. Other interviewees include Nobel laureate Vernon Smith and former US Comptroller General David Walker (I.O.U.S.A). The film is shot in the U.S., Sweden and Germany and makes extensive use of music, archive footage and graphics.

America: Freedom to Fascism
 America: Freedom to Fascism is a 2006 film by Aaron Russo, which alleges among a variety of claims that income tax is illegal.
This documentary covers many subjects, including: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the income tax, Federal Reserve System, national ID cards (REAL ID Act), human-implanted RFID tags (Spychips), Diebold electronic voting machines, globalization, Big Brother, taser weapons abuse, and the alleged use of terrorism by government as a means to diminish the citizens’ rights.
The film’s claims about the illegality of the income tax in the United States have been critiqued as factually incorrect by some reviewers. The film has, however, developed a strong following. 
Federal Reserve System issues and interviews in the film
The film spends a fair amount of time examining the Federal Reserve System, including its genesis and functions. The film asserts that the Federal Reserve System is a system of privately held, for profit corporations, not a government agency, and was commissioned to print fiat money on behalf of the federal government, at a fee ultimately paid for by the personal income tax (through service on bond interest). The film also refers to the fact that the United States dollar is not backed by gold, and claims that this means the dollar has no real backing other than future income tax payments. Consequently, the film proposes, Federal Reserve Notes represent debt instead of wealth.
According to the film, the Federal Reserve System operates by manipulation of what is sometimes referred to as the business cycle of economic expansion and retraction by putting new notes into circulation to increase the ease of obtaining credit, which devalues the currency, then compounds inflation by increasing interest (prime) rates. This manipulation, according to the film, is responsible for a 96% devaluation of American currency since it was made possible to increasingly sever the link with gold backing by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The film says that this process of creating new money and adding it to the money supply is known as debasement and is a cause of inflation. In this way, the film asserts that the Federal Reserve System simultaneously controls the supply of money and its value.
The central thesis of the film may be that this monetary policy is the strongest form of governance that has ever existed, and is central to the unconstitutional, global power ambitions of the interests that supposedly control the Federal Reserve System.
The film also asserts that the private interests it claims are controlling the Federal Reserve System have been present for generations. According to the film, however, most Americans are kept ignorant of how the Federal Reserve operates through actions of corrupt politicians and an increasingly centralized media. By using what the film calls legalistic and economic “mumbo-jumbo” terms such as ‘monetizing the debt’ or ‘adjusting monetary policy for increased fluidity of credit’, these interests, according to the film, conceal the true actions of the Fed behind veils of legitimacy.
The argument made in the film is that there is no reason why the Federal Reserve System should have a monopoly on the U.S. money supply. The film asserts that, “America got along just fine before the Federal Reserve came into existence” (which, in the film maker’s view, leads to the question of why the Federal Reserve System was created).
The film contends that the U.S. Congress has no control or oversight over the Fed, and hence has no control over the value of U.S. money. The film argues that Congressional control over the value of money is required by Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. The phrase in question (clause 5) states that the United States Congress shall have the power “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin…”
The film includes a call to action to abolish the Federal Reserve. In 2007, the Boston Globe stated that Congressman Ron Paul, “says he doesn’t agree with all the film’s arguments, but he says the film had ‘a huge impact’ on the support his campaign is drawing”, a reference to Paul’s presidential bid in 2007 and 2008. 
Federal income tax issues and interviews in the film
Through interviews with various individuals including former IRS agents, Russo sets forth the tax protester argument that, “there is no law requiring an income tax”, and that the personal income tax is illegally enforced to support the activities of the Federal Reserve System.
One of the listed stars of the film, Irwin Schiff, was sentenced on February 24, 2006 to 13 years and 7 months in prison for tax evasion and ordered to pay over $4.2 million in restitution. In pre-sentencing documents filed with the court, Schiff’s lawyers had argued that he had a mental disorder related to his beliefs about taxation. Initially, the film portrays Mr. Schiff as a tax expert, though his qualifications and those of many other individuals in the film are not mentioned. Later in the film, Russo reveals that Schiff has gone to jail.
Mr. Schiff appears in the film for another reason as well. The filmmaker lampoons Judge Kent Dawson’s reaction to Schiff’s defense. The film alleges that the judge “denied Irwin the ability to prove to a jury that there was no law requiring Americans to file an income tax return. He denied Irwin the right to attempt to prove to a jury there was no law . . . by stating, ‘I will not allow the law in my courtroom.’” At 0:48:28 of the film, Mr. Russo introduces the judge and his statement.
Under the U.S. legal system, the general rule (with exceptions) is that neither side in a civil or criminal case is allowed to try to prove to the jury what the law is. For example, in a murder case the defendant is not generally allowed to persuade the jury that there is no law against murder, or to try to interpret the law for the jury. Likewise, the prosecution is not allowed to try to persuade the jury about what the law is, or how it should be interpreted. Disagreements about what the law is are argued by both sides before the judge, who then makes a ruling. Prior to jury deliberations, the judge, and only the judge, instructs the jury on the law.
Another listed star, Vernice Kuglin, was acquitted in her criminal trial for tax evasion in August 2003. This means she was not found guilty of a willful intent to evade income taxes. (A conviction for tax evasion requires, among other things, proof by the government that the defendant engaged in one or more affirmative acts of misleading the government or of hiding income.) Kuglin’s acquittal did not relieve her of liability for the taxes. Kuglin entered a settlement with the government in 2004 in which she agreed to pay over $500,000 in taxes and penalties. On April 30, 2007, the Memphis Daily News reported that Kuglin’s Federal tax problems continued with the filing of a notice of Federal tax lien in the amount of $188,025. The Memphis newspaper also stated that Kuglin has “given up her fight against paying taxes, according to a Sept. 10, 2004, Commercial Appeal story.”
The preview clip for the film includes assertions contradicted by official government publications regarding the activities and nature of such institutions as the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Reserve System

American Dictators
This documentary offers a "behind the scenes" view of the underlying power structures of our "elite" and their disregard for basic transparency and democratic values, demonstrated by the history of manipulated voting machines and rigged elections, which became especially evident to those who informed themselves about the fraud going on during the 2000 presidential elections in the US. Moreover, the film covers involvement of both Kerry and Bush in the same dubious "establishment" secret society, as well as a recap of Alex Jones' discoveries concerning the alleged nefarious nature of the high-society social retreat "Bohemian Grove", - points definitely worthy of further investigation. Speech excerpts and interviews with various members of Congress on the worrying developments in the USA accentuate the important message conveyed by the film "American Dictators": to fight for one's right to an unfettered voting process and an independent background check on those who seek to be our leaders.

One Nation Under Siege
9/11 was only the tip of the iceberg! From documentary filmmaker William Lewis comes a bone chilling documentary.
Prepare to be instantly propelled into a world dominated by spying, tracking, and control as you go behind enemy lines drawn in our own backyards.
One Nation Under Siege presents disturbing facts never before disclosed to a majority of the sleeping American public.
 Through the research of over a dozen internationally distinguished authors, journalists and physicians, you will begin to understand the massive and ceaseless control projected onto an unsuspecting populace by a government that has finally crossed the line to fascism.

Oil, Smoke and Mirrors
"Oil Smoke & Mirrors" offers a sobering critique of our perceived recent history, of our present global circumstances, and of our shared future in light of imminent, under-reported and mis-represented energy production constraints.

Through a series of impressively candid, informed and articulate interviews, this film argues that the bizzare events surrounding the 9/11 attacks, and the equally bizzare prosecution of the so-called "war on terror", can be more credibly understood in the wider context of an imminent and critical divergence between available global oil aupply and and global oil demand.

The picture "Oil, Smoke & Mirrors" paints is one of a tragically hyper-mediated global-political culture, which, for whatever reason, demonstrably disassociates itself from the values it claims to represent.

While the ideas presented in this film can at first seem daunting, it's ultimate assertion is that these challenges can indeed be met and surpassed, if, but only if, we can find the courage to perceive them.

“Oil, Smoke & Mirrors” is an independent production. The producer has neither association with, nor membership of, any political organisation.

Catastroika: privatization goes public
Los creadores de Debtocracy, un documental visto por dos millones de personas y transmitido desde Japón hasta América Latina, analizan la privatización de los activos del estado.
Viajan por el mundo recogiendo información sobre la privatización en países desarrollados y buscando las claves al día siguiente después del programa de privatización masiva en Grecia.
Catastroika es un documental de financiación colectiva con Licencias Creative Commons, sobre el proceso de privatización de  

los recursos públicos en Grecia impuestos por la Troika (La Comisión Europea, el BCE y el FMI) como condición al pseudo-rescate, y como "única alternativa" al sobreendeudamiento [el llamado "Mecanismo de la Deuda", que implica una nueva forma de colonialismo, por la vía económica].

La explicación de los procesos de privatización y de sus consecuencias, se hace de forma contrastada con procesos similares que tuvieron lugar en otros países

 Empire : Superclass
A new breed has emerged; they set the global agenda, ride on Gulfstreams and manage the credit crunch in their spare time. They are anything but elected; they are entrepreneurs and entertainers, media moguls and former politicians - the self-made super rich who are using their money to lay down a new set of global rules. So where did this new global aristocracy come from and who is keeping them in check? Is the world suffering from a global governance gap?


Secrets of the CIA

Secrets of the CIA reveals the truth about the CIA and how this organization is behind numerous terrorist plots throughout history. Many ex-CIA agents speak out about their experiences as agents and what they were required to do.
Some of these missions even included killing of children. Most of them are now spreading the word about the crimes of the CIA and how the organization needs to be extinguished.
Ralph McGehee, a reknown ex-CIA agent, is featured in this documentary. He is most famous for publishing Deadly Deceits.


On a trip to visit family in Seoul in April, I was approached by a man and a woman who claimed to be North Korean defectors. They presented me with a DVD that recently came into their possession and asked me to translate it. They also asked me to post the completed film on the Internet so that it could reach a worldwide audience. I believed what I was told and an agreement was made to protect their identities (and mine).Despite my concerns about what I was viewing when I returned home, I proceeded to translate and post the film on You Tube because of the film’s extraordinary content. I have now made public my belief that this film was never intended for a domestic audience in the DPRK. Instead, I believe that these people, who presented themselves as ‘defectors’ specifically targeted me because of my reputation as a translator and interpreter.Furthermore, I now believe these people work for the DPRK. The fact that I have continued to translate and post the film in spite of this belief does not make me complicit in their intention to spread their ideology. I chose to keep posting this film because – regardless of who made it – I believe people should see it because of the issues it raises and I stand by my right to post it for people to share and discuss freely with each other.

According to Sabine the above is the formal statement she gave to Federal Police on 16 June 2012.
Sabine: I have translated this film, laid in the English voice over and subtitles, and on legal advice have blurred the identity of the presenter and/or blacked out certain elements.


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 El dinero es deuda es un buen material didáctico y pedagógico que complementa perfectamente a recientes trabajos como "THRIVE" de Foster Gamble (lanzado con ocasión del pasado 11/11/11) o anteriores como "INSIDE JOB" y SOBREDOSIS (2010) sobre la crisis financiera de 2008.

- "No está garantizado que el masivo descontento con las consecuencias del sistema económico, por sí solo, obligue a los gobiernos a realizar cambios estructurales.
- No está garantizado que el descontento con las democracias formales, lleve a los gobernantes a realizar transformaciones que vayan más allá de los cambios cosméticos.
- No está garantizado que los gobiernos progresistas logren pasar de las medidas bienintencionadas, a un cambio real de las bases mismas del sistema.
- No está garantizado que todos los que dicen trabajar por un mundo mejor, busquen genuinamente una revolución, no sólo en los aspectos materiales, sino por sobre todo en los fundamentos existenciales.
Lo que sí podemos garantizar es que, mientras el mundo no sea aún una Gran Nación Humana Universal, habrá cada vez más humanistas e idealistas trabajando genuinamente por esa aspiración, por la que millones de seres claman, a veces en silencio".
"Hay quienes creen que, por el solo hecho de que las crisis económicas afectan a mucha gente, habrá entonces mayorías convencidas de cambiar al sistema económico".
Y eso no es así, porque "el individualismo*" ha calado hondo, y el hecho de que ante una crisis generalizada muchas individualidades converjan en una protesta, no significa que se haya trascendido el individualismo, y por eso no es tan sencillo pasar a otras instancias organizativas que realmente puedan reemplazar al sistema. (Ver: La Caverna de Platón, El Saturno Astrológico, o "La Matrix" como hollywoodescamente se le prefiere entender popularmente)

*NOTA: No confundir el Individualismo a ultranza, -el egotismo- con el concepto natural de "La Re-Afirmación de nuestra Individualidad"; algo muy distinto y difícil de realizar como individuos según nuestra naturaleza. Ver Quirón Astrológico y su Arquetipo; hoy en día entendido como la función que cumplen "Las Células Imaginales" dentro del organismo que es la Sociedad. Nota de edición: / / Eduardo M)

"... Pero la dirección de las fuerzas de la economía no cambiará porque le pidamos que desmonten la pirámide a quienes ocupan su cúspide; cambiará cuando buena parte de quienes aún actuamos como ladrillos de esa pirámide, empecemos a quitarle sustento,...
...y eso se logrará cuando dejemos de creer en la pirámide:

"Esto significa nuevos valores, nuevos paradigmas, y una mística social que los arraigue en el corazón de los seres humanos".

... En algún momento la población dejará de reclamar al capital por sus necesidades y decidirá resolverlas como conjunto. "No queremos vuestros créditos, ni vuestros puestos de trabajo, ni vuestros productos, ni vuestros servicios." Esto solo será posible cuando la reciprocidad vaya ocupando el lugar del individualismo egocéntrico.
Sin embargo, la mera coincidencia actual con algunas de nuestras históricas propuestas, no debieran confundirnos en la definición de nuestro rol presente y futuro. Seguramente que no podemos pretender ubicarnos como "vanguardia esclarecida" de los procesos sociales, no solamente por razones de escala, sino sobre todo porque tal ubicación respondería a esquemas obsoletos y verticales. Seguramente que nuestro rol debiéramos ejercerlo emplazándonos en un nivel de paridad, estableciendo relaciones de reciprocidad con quienes coincidimos.
Pero este emplazamiento horizontal, exento de intenciones manipuladoras, no debiera ser incompatible con la voluntad de asumir desde esa ubicación, el desafío de dar claras referencias sobre el mundo al que aspiramos y los pasos a seguir para lograrlo. Tales referencias de ningún modo podrían ser impuestas desde un poder vertical, pero tampoco pueden palidecer, ni relativizarse, ni resignarse, por temor a ser confundidos con los manipuladores, o por creer que en nuestra escala no tenemos derecho a hablar con firmeza, o porque pensemos que por devenir natural madurará un proceso revolucionario en el mundo.
Tomado de.

JFK II: the Bush Connection

Step by step, this movie proves that JFK’s assassination was perpetrated by forces within our own government.
The author of this documentary takes it even a step further and shows how George Bush Senior is connected to the murder of JFK.
A thoroughly documented criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt, his guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to murder John Kennedy.
Relies exclusively on government documents and the publicly acknowledged statements and histories of the guilty parties.
The most shocking thing about the assassination is not the brutality of it.
It was brutal, certainly. But the most amazing thing is the way the established media today managed to pretend that there is any question about whether his murder was a conspiracy. JFK II reveals the truth about the JFK assassination on November 22, 1963. Still today, over forty years later, the official government story featuring the “magic bullet theory” is considered part of history.


Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of our Republic

Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of Our Republic is the first film to look at the events of September 11, 2001 from a scientific perspective.On September 11, 2001 the World Trade Center Twin Towers disintegrated in a manner that scientists say resembled deliberately calculated implosions.  The facts open for discussion include: at 5:20 p.m. that same day another building, the 47 story WTC 7, completely collapsed within 70 feet of its footprint in 6.6 seconds.  These three buildings became the first such structures to ever suffer complete collapse due to fire and damage.The film examines one of the world’s worst civil engineering catastrophes, using photographs, video footage as well as expert scientific testimony.  The film thoroughly examines the official reports, offering varied criticisms of the official findings, while raising a more plausible hypothesis.  The findings from these scientific experts  have been quietly ignored by both government investigations and the mainstream media.


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The Elephant In The Room
In retrospect of course, looking back, you think about everything that went on. The fact that the power down in itself was unusual, the fact that there were visitors to the tower, many in overalls, like engineers of some kind wandering around the floors carrying tool boxes and cables and so on. At the time, wasn’t suspicious of it, didn’t think anything of it.
The Elephant in the Room is a documentary following British filmmaker Dean Puckett through his journey into the 9/11 Truth Movement: a global movement of ‘conspiracy theorists’ who believe that the official explanation about what happened on 9/11 is totally or partially inaccurate.
The filmmakers travel from middle England, across Europe and to New York for the six year anniversary of the attacks, where the film takes one final twist as we are introduced to the 9/11 first responders who are suffering from various grave health difficulties due to the toxic dust that they breathed in trying to help their country during the weeks after this tragic event. Told with a personal hands on approach that avoids advancing any one position, the film asks the question: are these crazy conspiracy theorists? Or is 9/11 Truth a credible political movement?

A Noble Lie: The Oklahoma City Bombing of 1995

“A myth or untruth knowingly told by the elite to maintain social harmony, or the social position of the elite.” – The Republic, Plato
The 1995 bombing in Oklahoma City was a direct blow to the heart of America. 168 people were killed, including nineteen children. For those watching the nightly news, Terrorism had come home. For years following the bombing, countless victims’ family members, survivors, rescuers, and ordinary Americans, have questioned the official accounts about that fateful day.
Hoping to shed light on answers long ignored and censored, both by prominent media outlets and the U.S. government, A Noble Lie peels back what we thought we knew about the bombing and it’s perpetrators. This film exposes information never before examined or brought to the attention of the American public.
A Noble Lie is the culmination of years of research and documentation conducted by independent journalists, scholars, and ordinary citizens. Often risking their personal safety and sanity, they have gathered evidence which threatens to expose the startling reality of what exactly occurred at 9:02 am on April 19, 1995 in Oklahoma City.
Utilizing footage and eyewitness testimony, previously unseen, A Noble Lie will change forever the way you look at the true nature of terrorism.

Marathon Day: Boston
What really happened in Boston on April 15? Here is a film that will bring you up to speed. Documentary that summarizes the Bostonbombing attacks from the perspective of the official story through the eyes of the mainstream media and the questions asked by millions about its credibility, both by alternative media sources and the public!
The film is presented in the form of direct evidence, all media reportsare verifiable and presented with direct sources of evidence. These are all available to the public on the Internet, the only source left ‘unregulated!’ Mainstream vs alternative Internet media is the theme!
What is the truth? Why didn’t the mainstream report about the ‘Bomb Drill’ that was taking place on the day? Why do the witnesses on alternative media contradict the witness reports presented by mainstream.
Why did the mainstream fail to report on the military undercover operatives at the scene of the first explosion? Why was the FBI mentoring the Tsarnaev brothers? Who is really behind this? Who gains from these ‘terror attacks’ and how have previous attacks reshaped our lives? See the two perspectives and be the judge! Is there a real conspiracy here?

Mind The GapMind the gap  
David Shayler has dedicated much of his time since 7/7 bombings investigating the strange anomalies that surrounded these events. Everyone knows about the barrarage of evidence that suggests 911 was a pretext to a planned war of terror. Now Shayler questions why there has been no official investigation into 7/7 and questions the official story. He suspects that these attacks were not the making of suicide bombers but rather bare the halmarks of an intelegence operation.
It is now clear that false flag operations are part of a strategy of tension designed to instill fear in the civilian population and create unprovoked hatred towards minority groups.
Documentary detailing the gaps in the official story of the 7/7 London Bombings that demand further attention.
This film, presented by ex-Mi5 whistleblower David Shayler, argues the need for an Independant Public Inquiry into 7/7 and the surrounding events.

NATO'S Secret Armies
Nato’s secret armies were set up across Western Europe after the Second World War. While these “stay-behind” armies were supposedly intended to help put together a resistance if the Soviet Union invaded their countries, they went on to commit terrorist attacks against their own populations, so as to influence domestic politics.

In 1990, alarming evidence of NATO-sponsored terrorist attacks came to light. This is the shocking story of Operation Gladio; a tale of espionage, conspiracy and political violence.

Genocide: Worse Than War

With his first book, the #1 international bestseller Hitler’s Willing Executioners (Vintage, 1997) Daniel Jonah Goldhagen – then a professor of political science at Harvard University– forced the world to re-think some of its most deeply-held beliefs about the Holocaust.  Hitler’s Willing Executioners inspired an unprecedented worldwide discussion and debate about the role ordinary Germans played in the annihilation of Europe’s Jews. A decade later – and more than half a century after the end of World War II – Goldhagen is convinced that the overall phenomenon of genocide is as poorly understood as the Holocaust had once been. How and why do genocides start? Why do the perpetrators kill?  Why has intervention rarely occurred in a timely manner?  These and other thought-provoking questions are explored in a new documentary film, WORSE THAN WAR.
A co-production of WNET.ORG and JTN Productions and funded by The Pershing Square Foundation, The Einhorn Family Charitable Trust, and The Goren Family Foundation, WORSE THAN WAR, based on Goldhagen’s book of the same title, which has been hailed as “magisterial” by the New York Times, “convincing” and “wholly original” by Kirkus, “pathbreaking” by Die Presse, and “masterful” by the Daily Telegraph, is the first documentary to step back and focus on the general phenomenon of genocide – offering viewers profound insights into its dimensions, patterns and causes, and tragic role in politics and human affairs.
“By the most fundamental measure – the number of people killed –the perpetrators of mass murder since the beginning of the twentieth century have taken the lives of more people than have died in military conflict. So genocide is worse than war,” reiterates Goldhagen. “This is a little-known fact that should be a central focus of international politics, because once you know it, the world, international politics, and what we need to do all begin to look substantially different from how they are typically conceived.”
Premiering on PBS during National Holocaust Remembrance Week on April 14 at 9 p.m., WORSE THAN WAR documents Goldhagen’s travels, teachings, and interviews in nine countries around the world, bringing viewers on an unprecedented journey of insight and analysis.  In a film that is highly cinematic and evocative throughout, he speaks with victims, perpetrators, witnesses, politicians, diplomats, historians, humanitarian aid workers, and journalists, all with the purpose of explaining and understanding the critical features of genocide and how to finally stop it.
In Rwanda, perpetrators of genocide speak candidly about their participation in mass murders, and Minister of Justice Tharcisse Karugarama discusses the perpetrators’ willingness, the world’s failure, and how we can prevent other countries from suffering the same fate.  In Guatemala, Goldhagen explores the concept of “overkill” with the country’s leading forensic pathologist, and in an extraordinary interview, he confronts former President José Efraín Ríos Montt, the person in power during the genocide of Maya in the early 1980s.  In Bosnia, he attends the annual commemoration of the massacre at Srebrenica, the worst mass-killing in Europe since World War II, and has a candid discussion with the nation’s president Haris Silajdžić about his efforts to convince U.S. and world leaders to intervene when it became apparent that “ethnic cleansing” was underway.  And in Ukraine, Goldhagen returns with his father Erich (also a scholar of the Holocaust) to the town where Erich was nearly killed during the Holocaust.
Goldhagen also conducts probing and revealing interviews with Madeleine Albright, former U.S. Secretary of State; Francis Deng, UN Special Advisor for the Prevention of Genocide; and Clint Williamson, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues.
Directed by the award-winning Mike DeWitt, the film not will only leave viewers changed, it should have a galvanizing effect on the public and, most importantly on, our political leaders.

No Childhood At All

"Every child deprived of liberty shall be treated with humanity and respect for the
inherent dignity of the human person, and in a manner which takes into account the
needs of persons of his or her age. In particular, every child deprived of liberty shall
not be separated from adults unless it is considered in the child's best interest to do
so and shall have the right to maintain contact with his or her family through
correspondence and visits, save in exceptional circumstances."
Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 37
"States Parties shall take all feasible measures to ensure that persons who have not
attained the age of fifteen years do not take a direct part in the hostilities."
Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 38/2
"... The exploitation of childhood...constitutes the evil the most hideous, the most
unbearable to the human heart..."
Albert Thomas, first director of the International Labour Office (1919-1932)
"A son or a daughter is the most precious treasure."
Burmese proverb

A 30 minute video from Witness partner Images Asia who is working at the Thai-Burmese border. This documentary is about children who have become victims or participants in Burma's armed conflicts, used as porters, human shields, or human minesweepers. It shows the life of children who have been killed, forcibly conscripted, unwillingly separated from their families, kidnapped and tortured, and it includes interviews with child soldiers. 

Bombies: The Secret War 
The most appalling episode of lawless cruelty in American history is the bombing of Laos. If you want to know what Afghanistan will be like in twenty years, watch Bombies. In a cohesive, well-documented approach, Bombies beautifully captures the history and effects of the U.S. carpet bombing in Laos.
Between 1964 and 1973 the United States conducted a secret air war, dropping over 2 million tons of bombs and making tiny Laos the most heavily bombed country in history. Millions of these cluster bombs did not explode when dropped, leaving the country massively contaminated with bombies as dangerous now as when they fell 30 years ago.
Bombies examines the problem of unexploded cluster bombs through the personal experiences of a group of Laotians and foreigners and argues for their elimination as a weapon of war. Unfortunately they are still a standard part of the US arsenal and were dropped in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Vea el documental en ingles en Youtube


Wake up call: New World Order
This is a documentary compiled by John Nada. Some of the topics covered in the film are: The New World Order, Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, North American Union, The Rockefeller and Rothschild families, Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove, The Illuminati, Problem-Reaction-Solution, 9/11, war profiteering, the phony ‘War on Terrorism’, the impending ‘Big Brother Surveillance Society’, the war on civil liberties, microchipping, mind control, media control and ‘education system’ indoctrination…
Featuring: Alex Jones, David Icke, Aaron Russo, Jordan Maxwell, G. Edward Griffin, Jim Marrs, Bill Hicks, Daniel Estulin, Jim Tucker, Ted Gunderson, Anthony Hilder, Professor Steven Jones, Webster Tarpley, George Carlin, John Taylor Gatto, Charlotte Iserbyt, Dave vonKleist, Stan Monteith and others…

War on Our World 
War on our world from Dominoes Falling Productions, is a feature length documentary using a collaboration of various material.
The film examines war, imperialism and some of the causes and consequences of this, with a particular look at the Military-Industrial complex. An aim of the film is to help inspire peace.
The film starts with a sequence from the movie American History X and continues with a lines from a landmark speech given by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called Beyond Vietnam.
I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice. A true revolution of values will lay hand on the world order and say of war, ‘this way of settling differences is not just.’
This business of burning human beings with napalm, of filling our nation’s homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into the veins of peoples normally humane, of sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields physically handicapped and psychologically deranged, cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice, and love.

The Obama Deception
The Obama Deception  is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people.
The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.
We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans.  It’s not about Left or Right:  it’s about a One World Government.  The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.
Covered in this film:  who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda.  If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.
Watch the Obama Deception and learn how:
  • Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.
  • Obama’s handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force.
  • International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government.
  • Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government.
  • The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.
The information contained in this film is vital to the future of the Republic and to freedom worldwide. President Barack Obama is only the tool of a larger agenda.  Until all are made aware, humanity will remain captive to the masters of the New World Order.

Star Wars In IraqStar Wars in Iraq
Al Ghezali reported that he had seen three passengers in a car all dead with their faces and teeth burnt, the body intact, and no sign of projectiles. There were other inexplicable aspects: the terrain where the battle took place was dug up by the American military and replaced with other fresh earth, the bodies that were not hit by projectiles had shrunk to just slightly more than one meter in height.
As in any war, the war in Iraq left us a dreadful gallery of horror, images of mutilations that not even doctors can explain. The witnesses refer to laser weapons, arms with mysterious effects. We do not know what kind of weapons could produce such terrible effects. We tried to learn more about it by asking for interviews to members of companies manufacturing laser and microwave weapons. Yet, the U.S. Defense Department prevented any information from being released to us, they also did not answer, up to the time to almost edited, the questions we have sent them in order to know whether or not experimental weapons had been tested in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We tracked down the Pentagon press conferences from before the beginning of the second Gulf War to see if they spoke about any new weapons being tested. The words of the Secretary of Defense and General Meyers indicated a willingness to try weapons that had never been used before. And the questions from the press about direct energy and microwave weapons made them visibly uncomfortable.

The Big Picture

For every question regarding our world, there is a conspiracy theory offered from some quarter claiming to address it. These conspiracy theories number into the hundreds and they are nearly always dead ends, or at best, lead to another conspiracy and so on, ad infinitum. Even though it’s become obvious to most that something is not quite right, and that some sort of global conspiracy does indeed exist, it is still hard to see exactly what it is, and where the truth really lies.
It is time the people of the world stood up and paid heed to the urgency and importance. Yet, you say, even if one were to do so, then how do we the ordinary individual, ever get to the bottom of this? And if we do ever get to the bottom of it, then what are we to do then? And those are both very good questions.
Well, the best way to start is to get all fluoride out of your diet and gain an understanding of history. Then learn to look at each news story from a global perspective. Disregard most of what the announcer tells you to believe, and place the event where it belongs, on the Global stage. Then ask yourself that old Greek adage – Cu Bono.
Who Benefits? And more importantly, when you discover a truth, uncover a lie, or find an anomaly, tell your friends. Spread the information as far and wide as you can reach because the media most certainly will not. However the most important thing of all in order to be able to do either of the above is to be aware of your surroundings in a global sense. See the BIG Picture.

I Want The Earth (plus 5%)

The sole purpose of this story is to explain the simple maths of reality and the current Banking System – that is – 100 plus NOTHING does NOT equal 105 – and that charging interest on something that is created out of nothing, makes it impossible to repay, giving great power to those who do create money out of nothing – ie the Banks. This story was written by Larry Hannigan in 1971 and uses a fictional character (Fabian) in the narrative.

Money is NOT a commodity, it is a system of debit-credit bookkeeping – nothing more. Banks create credit. It is a mistake to suppose that bank credit is created to any extent by the payment of money into the banks. A loan made by a bank is a clear addition to the amount of money in the community.
The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the People v. The Banks.
None of our problems will disappear until we correct the creation, supply and circulation of money. Once the money problem is solved, everything else will fall into place.

The Shock Doctrine
 An investigation of "disaster capitalism", based on Naomi Klein's proposition that neo-liberal capitalism feeds on natural disasters, war and terror to establish its dominance.

The Shock Doctrine is the latest documentary from acclaimed director Michael Winterbottom, co-directed by Mat Whitecross. Based on Naomi Klein's bestselling book, The Shock Doctrine argues that America's 'free market' policies have come to dominate the world through the exploitation of disaster-shocked people and countries.

Both the film and the book argue that governments all over the world exploit natural disasters, economic crises and wars to push through radical free market policies. Klein calls this 'disaster capitalism' and in her view, disaster capitalism is as effective as psychiatric shock therapy at wiping our collective memory.

The film concludes that the result is often catastrophic for ordinary people and hugely beneficial to big corporations. The documentary also adds to Klein's thesis - which was written before the recent market turmoil - and includes an analysis of how the financial world got into its current troubled state.

La escuela de las Américas
An investigation of the US relationship to Latin America as seen through the prism of the SOA, the controversial training school for Latin soldiers on U.S. ground. Narrated by Martin Sheen, the documentary features interviews with political thinkers (Noam Chomsky, Christopher Hitchens, Eduardo Galeano), Congresspersons (Barbara Lee, Mac Collins), Army officers (Maj. Gen. John LeMoyne),victims and social activists (Sister Dianna Ortiz) who tackle the issues of U.S. economic and military policies in Latin America, the war on drugs, and terrorism.


Breaking the Silence:Truth and Lies in the War on Terror
John Pilger dissects the truth and lies in the ‘war on terror’. Award-winning journalist John Pilger investigates the discrepancies between American and British claims for the ‘war on terror’ and the facts on the ground as he finds them in Afghanistan and Washington, DC. In 2001, as the bombs began to drop, George W. Bush promised Afghanistan “the generosity of America and its allies”. Now, the familiar old warlords are regaining power, religious fundamentalism is renewing its grip and military skirmishes continue routinely. In “liberated” Afghanistan, America has its military base and pipeline access, while the people have the warlords who are, says one woman, “in many ways worse than the Taliban”.
In Washington, Pilger conducts a series of remarkable interviews with William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, and leading Administration officials such as Douglas Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, and John Bolton, Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. These people, and the other architects of the Project for the New American Century, were dismissed as ‘the crazies’ by the first Bush Administration in the early 90s when they first presented their ideas for pre-emptive strikes and world domination.

Blood in the mobile
We love our cell phones and the selection between different models has never been bigger. But the production of phones has a dark, bloody side.
The main part of minerals used to produce cell phones are coming from the mines in the Eastern DR Congo. The Western World is buying these so-called conflict minerals and thereby finances a civil war that, according to human rights organisations, has been the bloodiest conflict since World War II: During the last 15 years the conflict has cost the lives of more than 5 million people and 300.000 women have been raped. The war will continue as long as armed groups can finance their warfare by selling minerals.
If you ask the phone companies where their suppliers get minerals from, none of them can guarantee that they aren’t buying conflict minerals from the Congo.
The Documentary Blood in the Mobile shows the connection between our phones and the civil war in the Congo. Director Frank Poulsen travels to DR Congo to see the illegal mine industry with his own eyes. He gets access to Congo’s largest tin-mine, which is being controlled by different armed groups, and where children work for days in narrow mine tunnels to dig out the minerals that end up in our phones.
After visiting the mine Frank Poulsen struggles to get to talk to Nokia, the Worlds largest phone company. Frank Poulsen wants them to guarantee that they are not buying conflict minerals and thereby is financing the war in the Congo. Nokia cannot give him that guarantee.
Blood in Mobile is a film about our responsibility for the conflict in the Congo and about corporate social responsibility.

Blood Coltan
The mobile phone is a remarkable piece of engineering. But look inside. There’s blood in this machine.
There’s blood in this device because your mobile contains tiny electronic circuits, and they couldn’t work without mineral called COLTAN.
It’s mined in the eastern Congo. There is blood here, the blood of Congolese who are dying in a terrible conflict.
The West’s demand for Coltan, used in mobile phones and computers, is funding the killings in Congo. Under the close watch of rebel militias, children as young as ten work the mines hunting for this black gold. ‘Blood Coltan’ exposes the web of powerful interests protecting this blood trade. Meet the powerful warlords who enslave local population and the European businessmen who continue importing Coltan, in defiance of the UN.

China vs The US: Battle for Oil 

Today, China is the second largest consumer of oil, just after the United States.
But with one of the highest rates of growth on the planet, its energy needs are increasing seven times faster, while its reserves are depleting.
China is unable to produce the oil it needs today.  It has to import half of it.  In the next three years this number will increase to two-thirds, if not its whole economy will collapse.
Lacking its own source of oil, China is dependent on the rest of the world.
Hence it's imperative to find new countries to provide it and secure these supplies in an increasingly unstable world.
In this crusade for black gold, China is already in direct conflict with the current greatest consumer of the world's oil:  the United States.
BATTLE FOR OIL investigates the new world geopolitics that is emerging around the needs of both the world's leading superpower and the world's fastest growing economy to  secure future supplies of oil.

Chinese oil companies are signing deals in countries like Venezuela, Iran, Sudan, Chad and Angola.  In exchange, China has given its support to these countries, either building infrastructure or using its influence to support them at the United Nations.  Now, U.S. companies are finding that doing business in some oil producing markets is rapidly changing.

 Iron Triangle: The Carlyle Group
The Bush family, the Saudi Royal family, Osama Bin Laden’s family and Donald Rumsfeld’s inner circle – these are just some of the high profile figures who have played a direct role in the rise of one of the most powerful and influential and secretive firms in Washington.
The company is called The Carlyle Group. And in the wake of the events of September 11th and the invasion of Iraq, its power and influence have become significantly stronger.
The company operates within the so-called iron-triangle of industry, governme.nt and the military. Its list of former and current advisers and associates includes a vast array of some of the most powerful men in America and indeed around the world.
This program exposes the history of the Carlyle Group, from it’s inception as a private equity firm to it’s precent status as one of the largest defence contractors in the world

Enron the smartest guys in the room

Documental que retrata uno de los mayores escándalos financieros de la historia reciente. Basado en el best-seller "The Smartest Guys in the Room" (algo así como "Los tipos más listos del lugar") de los periodistas de la revista Fortune, Bethany McLean y Peter Elkind, el guionista y director Alex Gibney cuenta cómo los altos ejecutivos de la empresa Enron, la séptima más importante de los Estados Unidos, se hicieron con más de mil millones de dólares mientras sus empleados y accionistas lo perdían todo.
Declaraciones personales, cintas de video y audio sirven para mostrar los excesos cometidos por la cúpula directiva y el vacío moral de la empresa. Ken Lay y Jeffrey Skilling, los más altos ejecutivos de la empresa, pensaron que eran tan listos que podrían burlarse de todas las reglas. Hay que tener en cuenta que los inversores de Enron se hicieron ricos con los beneficios que sacaron de la crisis energética de California, así que la película muestra cómo la codicia de los inversores y sus superiores desencadenó un trágico efecto   dominó.

Iraq for sale: The War Profiteers
The film starts with a look at Blackwater contractors Scott Helveston and Jerry Zovko, who were killed in an ambush in Falujah due to company cost-cutting exercises. The film moves on to look at the involvement of poorly supervised private interrogators and untrained translators from CACI and Titan in the prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib. The loss of traditional military jobs, particularly in logistics, to private contractor KBR/Halliburton, who put workers like Tony Johnson and Steve Hullet in danger is analysed by the filmmakers, as is the costplus arrangement which encourages private contractors to overspend and overcharge for their services to ensure greater profits. Another major theme which reoccurs throughout the film is that of Corporations legally buying influence, through campaign contributions and a network of connections, at the highest levels of government which allows them to be rewarded sole-source contract without bidding and to cover-up their own failures.

I would soon learn the security forces and the militants take who they want, they torture, and they kill. Caught in the middle are the people of Kashmir. More than 60,000 people, mostly innocent civilians, have died in the 15-year conflict. Half a million Indian troops are stationed in Kashmir, fighting Pakistani-funded militants who slip across the border to attack the troops but also to terrorize the local population into giving them shelter and assistance.
The Killing of KashmirWhile both governments talk of peace, Unreported World reveals that, on the ground, very little has changed. For the local villagers life is a cycle of militant violence and government repression. The team arrive in Srinagar to find Indian police have just violently beaten a group of women who are protesting about the detention of two men and a woman for alleged links to pro-Pakistan militants.
Two sisters tell Jordan that around 25 masked troops from a Special Operations Group had burst in through the window and grabbed their father, mother and uncle. The children are terrified that their parents may join the 8,000 people who international human rights groups say have “disappeared” after being taken away by the security forces over the last 15 years.

Secret of OZ
 ¿ Qué está pasando en la economia mundial ? Quiebras, estafas financieras, la mentira del dinero y del sistema fraccional de reserva por el que se crea dinero de la nada.
Creador: William Still

The Iron Wall
The Iron Wall
The Iron Wall is a 2006 documentary film about the establishment of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which, the film argues, is a strategy for permanent occupation of the territory. Produced by the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees and Palestinians for Peace and Democracy, it was the "Official Selection" of the Al-Jazeera Television Production Festival
The Iron Wall follows the timeline of the settlements and examines their effect on the peace process, featuring interviews with noted peace activists and political analysts, both Israeli and Palestinian, including Jeff Halper, Akiva Eldar and Hind Khoury. The film also covers the controversial construction of the Israeli West Bank barrier.
From that day these words became the official and unspoken policy of the Zionist movement and later the state of Israel. Settlements were used from the beginning to create a Zionist foothold in Palestine.
After 1967 and the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, the aim of the settlement movement became clear – create facts on the ground and make the creation of a Palestinian state impossible. Thirty nine years of occupation and the policy started showing results. There are now more than 200 settlements and outposts scattered throughout the West Bank blocking the geographic possibility of a contiguous Palestinian territory.
The Iron Wall documentary exposes this phenomenon and follows the timeline, size, population of the settlements, and its impact on the peace process. This film also touches on the latest project to make the settlements a permanent fact on the ground – the wall that Israel is building in the West Bank and its impact on the Palestinian’s peoples.
Settlements and related infrastructures are impacting every aspect of life for all Palestinians from land confiscation, theft of natural resources, confiscation of the basic human rights, creation of an apartheid-like system, to the devastating impact in regards to the future of the region and the prospect of the peace process.
Palestinians and Israelis began the peace process based on a very simple principle: land for peace. Settlements destroy that principle and create a land with no peace.

Horizontes Vallados

El fundador de Pink Floyd presenta documental ´Horizontes Vallados´, donde muestra la situación de la población en la frontera entre Cisjordania e Israel.
Hace tres años Roger Waters, uno de los fundadores de Pink Floyd llegó, visitó Israel para ofrecer un concierto y aunque no tenía claro las dimensiones del conflicto que impera desde hace varios años en Medio Oriente.
La impresión que aquella visita le causó a Roger, hizo que este año regresó al país para visitar la zona fronteriza y para participar en un documental sobre el impacto del muro en la población.

                                                                                                                                    Vea Roger Waters hablar del documental en Ingles

The Corporation
Documental sobre el nacimiento, el crecimiento y la madurez de ese tumor maligno que son las grandes corporaciones, visto desde una perspectiva muy crítica y real. Cuenta con estrellas invitadas como Nike, la Coca Cola, IBM… y con grandes “presentadores” como son Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore, Milton Friedman entre otros.

  Vealo en ingles en Youtube

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