miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

Iraq for sale

Iraq for sale: The War Profiteers
The film starts with a look at Blackwater contractors Scott Helveston and Jerry Zovko, who were killed in an ambush in Falujah due to company cost-cutting exercises. The film moves on to look at the involvement of poorly supervised private interrogators and untrained translators from CACI and Titan in the prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib. The loss of traditional military jobs, particularly in logistics, to private contractor KBR/Halliburton, who put workers like Tony Johnson and Steve Hullet in danger is analysed by the filmmakers, as is the costplus arrangement which encourages private contractors to overspend and overcharge for their services to ensure greater profits. Another major theme which reoccurs throughout the film is that of Corporations legally buying influence, through campaign contributions and a network of connections, at the highest levels of government which allows them to be rewarded sole-source contract without bidding and to cover-up their own failures.

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