martes, 10 de abril de 2012

There's no tomorrow

There's No Tomorrow
Sometimes, it becomes necessary to speak in simple words for people to listen and understand what we’re talking about. This is exactly what this documentary is trying to do. It uses simple animation and tells us a very straight forward story: our human centered societies are demanding an infinite growth on a finite planet with finite resources. A dead end story.
We are consuming petrol and coal as our primary sources of energy. These fossil fuel deposits need 5,000,000 years to form and we have used more than half of the deposits we have found so far in about 80 years. Instead of decreasing our fossil fuel demand we are increasing it, we are becoming more and more petrol-dependent with devastating consequences for our environment and soon ourselves. We need to invest on renewable resources of energy, we need to consume less, we need to stop being so greedy.
I like the comparison of humans with bacteria. I like using this example when I describe the human race, we are destroying everything (with ignorance or not) up to the point that we will destroy ourselves.


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